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an aria of Canaries
an opera of Canaries
an awning of Canvasbacks
a raft of Canvasbacks
a sail of Canvasbacks
a tok of Capercaillies
a mews of Capons
a muse of Capons
a college of Cardinals
a conclave of Cardinals
a deck of Cardinals
a Kremlin of Cardinals
a radiance of Cardinals
a Vatican of Cardinals
a dash of Cassowaries
a jump of Cassowaries
a jump of Cassowaries
a slash of Cassowaries
a swim of Cassowaries
a mewing of Catbirds
a mews of Catbirds
a seat of Cat birds
a sea of Ceruleans
a banditry of Chickadees
a dissimulation of Chickadees
a banditry of (Blackcaped) Chickadees
a dissimulation of (Blackcaped) Chickadees
a banditry of (Whitecaped) Chickadees
a dissimulation of (Whitecaped) Chickadees
a brood of Chicks
a chattering of Chicks
a cletch of Chicks
a clutch of Chicks
a peep of Chicks
a brood of Chickens
a cletch of Chickens
a clutch of Chickens
a collection of Chickens
a flock of Chickens
a peep of Chickens
a run of Chickens
a flight of (Wild) Chickens
a dodge of Chickenhawks
a chattering of Chough
a clattering of Chough
a cluttering of Chough
a dentistry of Clever birds
a crackle of Cockatoos
a family of Cockatoos
a condo of Condors
a scarcity of (California) Condors
a codgery of Coots
a commotion of Coots
a community of Coots
a cooperation of Coots
a cover of Coots
a covert of Coots
a fleet of Coots
a flock of Coots
a pod of Coots
a raft of Coots
a rafter of Coots
a rasp of Coots
a shoal of Coots
a swarm of Coots
a flight of Cormorants
a gulp of Cormorants
a “lett fli” of Cormorants
a paddling of Cormorants
a rookery of Cormorants
a swim of Cormorants
a paddle of (flightless) Cormorants
a paddling of (flightless) Cormorants
a sunning of (flightless) Cormorants
a paddling of (Galapagos) Cormorants
a sunning of (Galapagos) Cormorants
an embarrassment of (redfaced) Cormorants
a cover of Cotes
a corral of Cowbirds
a herd of Cowbirds
a bowl of (corn) Crakes
a box of (corn) Crakes
a cob of (corn) Crakes
a brood of Cranelings
a construction of Cranes
a dance of Cranes
a family of Cranes
a flock of Cranes
a herd of Cranes
a pair of Cranes
a sedge of Cranes
a siege of Cranes
a sledge of Cranes
a swoop of Cranes
a thumping of Cranes
a wedge of Cranes
a flock of (Hooded) Cranes
a pair of (Hooded) Cranes
a wedge of (Hooded) Cranes
a flock of (Lilford) Cranes
a trumpting of (Lilford) Cranes
a kettle of (Sand Hill) Cranes
a sleeze of Creepers
a spiral of (brown) Creepers
a crookedness of Crossbills
a warp of Crossbills
a brood of Crows
a caldron of Crows
a cawcus of Crows
a cawldron of Crows
a cawlection of Crows
a cawroboree of Crows
a clan of Crows
a company of Crows
a congress of Crows
a cowardess of Crows
a cowardice of Crows
a hoard of Crows
a horde of Crows
a hover of Crows
a kine of Crows
a mob of Crows
a murder of Crows
a murmuration of Crows
a muster of Crows
a parcel of Crows
a rookery of Crows
a storytelling of Crows
a cawlection of (American) Crows
an asylum of Cuckoos
a cooch of Cuckoos
a family of Cuckoos
a curfew of Curlews
a flock of Curlews
a game of Curlews
a head of Curlews
a herd of Curlews
a salon of Curlews
a skein of Curlews
a brood of Cygnets